I only knew Karsen for a short amount of time. I met him in the hospital and unfortunately only had about 2 1/2 weeks together.
I’m older than him and immediately took him on as my little brother, giving him life advice and probably annoying him sometimes with some of it. But he always listened and took what I said to heart. We ate every meal together, played every video game and colored together when we could; we were inseparable.
He looked up to me like an older sister with good advice, but what I don’t think he realized is how much comfort he brought me. The hospital isn’t a fun place and knowing he’d be there when I woke up to eat breakfast with, that’s what got me out of bed.
He got out of the hospital before me and it was really hard for me to finish the rest of my stay. I didn’t have anyone else I was close with and was lonely. But I knew we’d speak again.
Shortly after I got out of the hospital, sure enough, I got a text from him. He texted me, without fail, multiple times every day to see how I was doing. I came out of the hospital much worse off than when I started and he was really worried for me. He sent me a long text telling me how much I helped him and how much I meant to him and he hoped he could help me just as much.
His last text to me was on December 28th and it was to check on me. That entire time I didn’t know he was struggling. He only wanted to make sure I was okay. I wish I would have known.
Karsen was an angel. One of the best people I’ve ever met. Finding out today that he had been struggling just as much as I was and just couldn’t do it anymore… it’s leaving me absolutely crushed.
Anyone who knew him was lucky to have him in their lives. He was truly a very very special person and I will miss him terribly.
I remember when you would come to our house with Karsen. Uncle Ronney would help you work on your car and I would play with Karsen and keep him entetained.
Love you.
Make your fond memories of Karsen give you comfort.
Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ronney.
My nephew at times could be shy but wasnt a soul or animal he wouldnt help. Hard worker, most indeed, with a kind heart. I saw him working long overnight hours but always still visited my grandma at nursing home or hospital and he brought her stuff. When she passed he came to help plan her funeral. He called me and said only thing I really would like to have are her cats and of the different places Karsen had moved to he always took those cats, as he was going to make sure they were taken care of.
Karsen never spoke to me by phone or left my presence without saying, I love you. Well buddy, I love you, I just didnt know it was gonna be our last time to say or hear it but I will cherish those three simple words and memories like so many others. Love, Auntie Jill
My favorite memory that I share with my step brother karsen, is when my sister savannah and karsen and I decided to drive down to dairy Queen and I remember karsen asking the employee for a "orange dikle" instead of a orange sickle, but in top of that savannah popped a stress ball made out of glue and when savannah popped it, glue was everywhere and karsen told her to rub it into her hands like lotion. That was definitely my favorite memory out of all of the memories that karsen and I shared together.
Sending our love to you and yours. So sorry for your loss.
Jay and family I'm so sorry for your loss.
Carlinville Location
Davis-Anderson Funeral Homes, Ltd.
260 Woodlawn Acres
Carlinville, IL 62626
Phone: (217) 854-3161
Fax: (217) 854-4373
Girard Location
Davis-Anderson Funeral Homes, Ltd
226 North 3rd
Girard, IL 62640
Phone: (217) 627-2126
Fax: (217) 854-4373