Just found out about Joe’s passing today. I lived next door to him on sunset lake and he was the most awesome neighbor and friend. So sorry to hear this. He was a big cardinal fan and white Sox fan. Condolences to all his family and friends. So sad.
Sad news. Many old memories of joe so many years ago as teenagers at Farmers Union camps. Then as adults at the convention. Enjoyed his company. Prayers for all his family
Joe was a great man. I will always remember the times we met in Springfield years back for lunch. We had some really wonderful talks. Joe was the all around good guy who treated people the way he would wish to be treated. His concern for others was condemnable. The discussions we had really did have a profound affect on my life. He will be missed by many.
I pray for the Holy Spirit to give all of you: peace, comfort and understanding during this time of personal loss.
God's Blessings
So sad to hear about this. Our deepest sympathies
Well, say it ain't so Joe, 75 & had the most of a full life, but I was sure you had more to go.
Heaven couldn't wait so say hi to cuz/brother Bill for me sir. You two were my "I wanna be like them" guys when I was a wannabe tagalong. I'd love to witness you guys seeing each other after 50 years. Tell uncle Robert I always appreciated him loaning me his farm mobile, corn stalks on underside, cigar smoke tinted windshield, but such a generous man. And thanks to you for always making me feel I was still a part of the family. It mattered to me! Even to call me to clarify true meanings of emails. You'd make sure I knew inflection often isn't conveyed in emails. I'm rambling on so I need to stop. See you one day when we least expect it, that's God's doing. Cousin Kenny, Ken, depends on if one knew me growing up, or just getting older.